Belvidere Estate – Fedon’s House: Grenada – Voices from the Past

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Rebellion, insurrection, maroons, ghosts, nutmegs and cocoa all add to the spicy flavor, high drama and creative tension of Belvidere Estate – Fedon’s House: Voices from the Past. This book relates the oral history of Julien Fedon adoringly kept alive in the memories of Belvidere Estate most illiterate laborers over the centuries. Some of these

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Rebellion, insurrection, maroons, ghosts, nutmegs and cocoa all add to the spicy flavor, high drama and creative tension of Belvidere Estate – Fedon’s House: Voices from the Past. This book relates the oral history of Julien Fedon adoringly kept alive in the memories of Belvidere Estate most illiterate laborers over the centuries. Some of these tales were either overheard by the author, who was born and raised on Belvidere Estate, or told directly to him by laborers of the 1950s who kept alive the saga of Fedon’s 18th century exploits.

  • Hardcover: NA
  • Publisher: NA
  • Language: NA
  • ISBN-10: NA
  • Dimensions: NA
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