Traditional Enactments of Trinidad: Towards a Third Theatre

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Written by Rawle Gibbons, 'Traditional Enactments of Trinidad: Towards a Third Theatre' is informative and well researched. The writer takes the reader through the journey of a national theatre in Trinidad and the Caribbean.  

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Informative and well researched, ‘Traditional Enactments of Trinidad: Towards a Third Theatre‘ takes the reader through the journey of a national theatre in Trinidad and the Caribbean. Rawle Gibbons traces its roots from the First Theatre that evolved during slavery and indentureship, to the Second Theatre which is characterized by the Western performance elements on the formal theatrical stage, flowing through to the functions of the Third Theatre or an ‘identifiably Caribbean theatre’.

Book Highlights:

  1. Exploring the theatrical elements embedded in the religious practices and festivals of Spiritual Baptist, Orisha, Hinduism and Islam
  2. Examining the use of language through the art of storytelling and Traditional Carnival characters
  3. Analyzing major dramatic roles in traditional performances.
  • Hardcover: Yes
  • Publisher: Canboulay Productions
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 978-976-95656-3-0
  • Dimensions: NA
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