Wake People Wake: The Sacred and The Profane

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Wake People Wake is a socio-antropological study of the wake and waking habits that early Tobago folk practiced while engaging in the funerary rights. This study not only deals with these people and their rituals; it also presents a perspective of the way other tribes, and early peoples worldwide, dealt with death conditions and the

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Wake People Wake is a socio-antropological study of the wake and waking habits that early Tobago folk practiced while engaging in the funerary rights.

This study not only deals with these people and their rituals; it also presents a perspective of the way other tribes, and early peoples worldwide, dealt with death conditions and the hear after, and the way superstition and the supernatural constantly played a part in their responses.

  • Hardcover: NA
  • Publisher: NA
  • Language: NA
  • ISBN-10: NA
  • Dimensions: NA
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