The Adventures of the Magic Steelpan: How Grandpa Conks Got His Name

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Join twins Nathan and Natasha on a journey to their Grandma's home, where they discover the mystery of their grandfather's special nickname, Grandpa Conks. The twins find that there is more to Grandpa Conks and his steelpan than meets the eye.

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Written by Leeanna Williams, The Adventures of the Magic Steelpan: How Grandpa Conks Got His Name, details a magical story set in the Caribbean island of Trinidad. Join twins Nathan and Natasha on a journey to their Grandma’s home, where they discover the mystery of their grandfather’s special nickname, Grandpa Conks. The twins find that there is more to Grandpa Conks and his steelpan than meets the eye.

  • Hardcover: No
  • Publisher: NA
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: NA
  • Dimensions: NA
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