

Anansi Goes To Hospital Book 1 TTD $50.00
Anansi Goes To Hospital is the first in a series of six books that tracks the journey of the Anansi character, an avid footballer in
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Anansi Goes to the Hospital Book 2 TTD $60.00
The second installment in the "Anansi Goes To Hospital" series, the reader follows the journey of the Anansi character who has been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma
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Britain’s Black Debt
TTD $295.00
Britain’s Black Debt is at once an exciting narration of Britain’s dominance of the slave markets that enriched the economy and a seminal conceptual journey
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Broadway Nights
TTD $120.00
Broadway Nights subtitled 'Mas on the Avenue' is a beautiful account of simple, everyday people living intriguing, sometimes complex lives… Baisden's selected locale happens to
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Caliban’s Reason
TTD $550.00
モA signal contribution to an important if long-neglected aspect of West Indian cultural and intellectual life. Calibanメs Reason critically restores several key figures of international
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Capitalism and Slavery – Third Edition TTD $250.00
Binding an economic view of history with strong moral argument, Williams' study of the role of slavery in financing the Industrial Revolution refuted traditional ideas
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Caribbean Currents
TTD $295.00
モThis is an exciting text that offers an excellent survey of the popular musical styles of the Caribbeanナ this text is intended to cater for
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Carnival is Me
TTD $150.00
Known as simply pan to its lovers, and with roots in Carnival, colonization, rebellion, and resistance; the playing of pan exploded in popularity during the seventies
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Caught in Action
TTD $250.00
A superb collection of photographs spanning 20 years of West Indian cricket bt Gordon Brooks including articles by cricket legends Wes Hall and Clive LLoyd
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Children of the Eternal Mother TTD $200.00
In Children of the Eternal Mother, Keon Francis expertly weaves the stories of the characters together to form a central plot while taking the reader
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Come Sing With Ti Netty
TTD $200.00
Come sing along with Ti Netty! A new compilation of Caribbean folk songs, this book contains popular songs such as Rose Bud, Buddy Lindo and
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Come Sing With Ti Netty Mp3
TTD $100.00
Songs that accompany the text 'Come Sing With Ti Netty'. Includes 25 tracks: - Charlotteville - Rosebud - Coverlet - Sitira - June Come -
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CQ Monograph: Sir Shridath Ramphal
TTD $80.00
モナArticles by the Honourable Sir Shridath Ramphal from past issues of Caribbean Quarterly published over nearly three decadesナヤ - Rex Nettleford
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CQ: Towards 2000- Models for Multi-Cultural Arts Education
TTD $70.00
A collection of papers based on multi-cultural arts education models for the Caribbean.
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Creating Their Own Space
TTD $170.00
In this volume Tina K. Ramnarine explores the revolution of Chutney and introduces the emerging Indian-Caribbean genre into the arena of scholarly discourse about music.
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Creole Recitations
TTD $180.00
In Creole Recitations, the first full-length study of J.J. Thomas, Faith Smith puts his texts in dialogue with other narratives by local and international Pan-Africanists,
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